Celebrating Our 87% Women-Owned and Women-Led Franchises for Women’s History Month

Join Us in Recognizing Our Women-Owned Franchise Leaders

Since 1987, the month of March has celebrated women in history who have helped shape our society and culture, and those currently paving the way for a bright future for the next generation. For AvenueWest, we are proud to say 87% of our franchises are women-owned and women-led by inspiring individuals doing just that. For this Women’s History month, we’re highlighting several of these incredible owners by asking them to share what and who has inspired them over their careers, and what advice they leave for the next group of aspiring women leaders: 


DSC02235Enhanced AvenueWest GlobalMeghan Vost

Owner of AvenueWest Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Tucson 


How have you built self-confidence over the course of your career?

Never give up. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Get up every day – win or lose – and do it again.

What motivated you to want to step into a leadership position? 

I had been exposed to a leadership team that I realized didn’t know any more than I did about how to move the company forward. I stopped waiting to be ready and took action. Formula 1 racing is a favorite for me, and I was gobsmacked when I noticed the race doesn’t start when the light turns green. It just stops being red. Don’t wait for permission, just remove the roadblock. 

What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?

Demand your seat at the table. If you aren’t invited, walk in and sit down…and don’t get the coffee.


use this one 1 AvenueWest GlobalKristi Davis

Owner of AvenueWest Raleigh & Atlanta


How have you built self-confidence over the course of your career?

I was a nurse prior to this career, so having a clear path and relying on my education and training has always played a critical role in building self-confidence. Having a strong and dependable team to bounce ideas off of has also been incredibly important.

Who is a woman that has inspired you professionally and why?

My client, Nadine, who started and grew her thriving business from scratch as a single mom. I respect her work ethic, tenacity, and drive to not let anything stop her from building a future for her 2 children. Her advice: not everything has to get done, time is the most important thing and it’s OK if things are messy from time to time! 

What motivated you to want to step into a leadership position? 

My husband and I wanted to put ourselves in a position where our success and the success of our family was not dependent on someone else’s opinion, but from our own merit and hard work. 

What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?

Surround yourself with people that are better than you and that will always challenge you. If you don’t – you will never grow. And marry someone who does the same!


Angela Healy Headshot 2 1 AvenueWest GlobalAngela Healy 

CEO and Co-Owner of AvenueWest Managed Corporate Housing, Owner of AvenueWest Boulder, Denver, Northern Colorado, & San Francisco


Who is a woman that has inspired you professionally and why?

My mom. I was exposed at an early age to the benefits of property management by witnessing her, alongside my dad, put four children through college from rental income of investment properties. I am forever grateful to my parents for teaching me the value of hard work. I witnessed them do work that was admirable and respected by the community, and I likewise strive to run a respected business and support and take care of my team. 

In your words, what are the benefits of having women in leadership?

Women understand the importance of compassion and have, in my opinion, an understanding that we can be both family-people and business leaders. 

What motivated you to want to step into a leadership position? 

I wanted to carve out a future where I could be focused on my business AND my family. When I was in banking, it felt it was a fundamental choice that I was only ever going to be a professional banker. Without taking a leap into a leadership position at AvenueWest, I would have missed out on an amazing life with my husband Tim and our children. It was Tim who brought me around to see it could be different, and I could have both.  

What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?

Historically, I believe the business world has told us that you could either be a professional or a family person – it would be hard, if not impossible, to do both well. Today, we are changing the face of the professional world so we can be business-focused AND family-oriented. To the next generation of female leaders, do not let anyone tell you have to choose. 


cindy 1 AvenueWest GlobalCindy Minks

Owner of AvenueWest Colorado Springs


Who is a woman that has inspired you professionally and why?

My inspiration has come from “how to” books, my association with the great women franchise owners in AvenueWest, and other Real Estate agents in Colorado Springs.

In your words, what are the benefits of having women in leadership?

We can multitask like none other!

What motivated you to want to step into a leadership position? 

I have owned 3 other businesses prior to AvenueWest-COS. I like to be in control of my own destiny and financial future.

What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?

Be courageous! Know exactly how you want your life to be (create a blueprint) and be bold and audacious, specific and intentional in the pursuit of it. 80-20 rule.


Holly Moore 2022 1 AvenueWest GlobalHolly Moore

National Sales and Training Manager at AvenueWest Corporate Housing


How have you built self-confidence over the course of your career?

My self confidence comes from encouragement from mentors and seeing the difference I make in my company, whether that be financially or problem solving by collaborating with my team. 

Who is a woman that has inspired you professionally and why?

It’s hard to decide between 2 mentors I’ve had, Jackie Rardin and Leslie O’Brien. They both taught me so much about how to be a leader and how to build an effective team. Their guidance throughout my career has made me into the professional I am today. 

Angela Healy has also been a huge inspiration during my time at AvenueWest. Her vision for the company’s future and the risks she is willing to take to get there inspires me to look ahead and focus on that next step. She thinks outside the box (which is not something that comes easily to me) and challenges me to do the same. 

In your words, what are the benefits of having women in leadership?

I believe women lead differently than men. Although one isn’t necessarily better than the other, sometimes the core fundamentals of other women can be easier to relate to. As we evolve from “a man’s world” to earning leadership positions based on skills and proven successful outcomes, seeing other women overcome that mentality inspires both men and women to have a different perspective on future leadership. 

What motivated you to want to step into a leadership position? 

There have been so many things in my life that have led up to my desire to lead. Family and friends, successes in previous positions, and goals I set for myself have all been factors in my motivation to lead.    

What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?

GO FOR IT!  You never know what you can accomplish unless you try.  There will be successes and there will be failures, but every action you choose to take can be a learning experience. 

Awards & Publications

Awards and Recognition 


Featured News Coverage

Miami’s Real Estate Resurgence: A Magnet for Business Travelers and Investors

How to Increase Your Rental Income 3 to 4 Times by Providing Corporate Housing

Fix & Flip: Why Real Estate Investors Should Not Overlook a Corporate Housing Opportunity

Opinion: Corporate Housing is Key to Addressing Tight Housing Market, Relocating Workers

AvenueWest Featured in Business View Magazine

Inc. Magazine – “Corporate Housing is Making Talent More Productive” Featuring AvenueWest

Personal Real Estate Magazine Addition – “The Sleeping Giant is Stirring”

Lowes For Pros – “Where Your Local Marketing Knowledge Really Counts”

NY Times – “Good job offer, but what about the house?”

Other media mentions included in The New York Times, CNBC, USA Today, NBC Today Show, SmartMoney.com, Forbes.com, CoBiz Magazine, US News & World Report, LA Times, and the Chicago Herald.