Six Huge Travel Mistakes That Can Sabotage Your Business Trip

According to a recent survey*, 69% of Americans are planning to travel as much or more than pre-pandemic. What can we say? We love to travel. As much joy and adventure as being on the road can bring, exploring the world also comes with a unique set of challenges and risks – especially when you’re traveling for work.

Don’t get tripped up on a business trip – there are many ways to ensure that your work travel goes as smoothly as possible, so you can focus on tackling projects and resting well in between. Here are six travel faux pas to avoid when on the road for work:

Being Unprepared

Whether it’s business or pleasure, planning ahead is perhaps the number one way to avoid disaster while traveling. From packing to booking flights and accommodations, don’t leave anything to the last minute. Rookie travelers and seasoned globetrotters alike can be blindsided by complications on their journeys, and the stakes are even higher when you have work meetings and events to get to. Packing ahead of time can help ensure that you remember to bring all your essentials. Also, take the time to organize your itinerary and put all relevant information in one place; this includes car rental details, pick-up information, contact details, and more. Check out some of these trip-planning apps to help make your life on the road easier and more organized:

For those of you traveling outside the US, don’t forget to inquire about a data plan from your service provider, or explore the option of buying a local, prepaid sim card.

Ignoring language and cultural differences 

If you’re traveling abroad, there’s a good chance there will be some linguistic and cultural barriers between you and the locals.

Never fear – learning a few key phrases in the language of your destination can get you far. Even knowing how to say “yes,” “no,” and “thank you,” as well as the standard greeting¸ can be enough to ingratiate yourself with the people of your host country. Fortunately, apps like Google Translate go a long way toward helping with this. Here are some others to check out:  (The aforementioned data plan will come in handy here.)

Many places across the world value hospitality and love sharing their culture with foreigners. When visiting a new place, keep an open mind and heart and seize the unique opportunity to experience a different culture. Keep in mind that you’re a guest in a foreign country, so when in Rome, do as the Romans do!

Not Knowing Visa Requirements 

The best way to throw a monkey wrench in your international travel plans is to not know what you need to move in and out of your destination country freely. Not having the right paperwork can lead to being denied entry into a country, while overstaying your visa by even a day can get you permanently banned from traveling to certain regions again.


Before leaving on your trip, it’s a good idea to double check your employer’s policy on reimbursement for expenses. You will likely have many of your expenses covered by the company that sent you, but don’t go nuts on expensive lunches and nights out without being sure that your expenditure will be reimbursed. Staying on budget can be challenging when traveling, but it can be done by strategically cutting costs where necessary. If reimbursement isn’t an option, you can save money by using managed corporate housing for your accommodations. Renting a place with a full kitchen means that you can cook your own meals instead of relying on eating out, saving you a ton of money and giving you more control over what you’re eating.

Working Nonstop

We all know what all work and no play can do; not prioritizing rest and relaxation while traveling for work is a sure-fire way to ruin a business trip. Your work-life balance is just as important (if not more) when you’re away on business as it is at home. Eat well, sleep, and make space for downtime, so you can focus on the tasks at hand.

Similarly, don’t squander the opportunity to really see a new place because of a misguided notion that you’re only there for work. Plan some excursions that allow you to explore your destination, whether that means booking a walking tour or checking out local restaurants. Playing as hard as you work will keep your trip fun, exciting, and might even help improve your performance at work. Your AvenueWest team would be happy to pass along some great recommendations.

Not Prioritizing Accommodations 

Being stuck in a dingy hotel room for 30-90 days can be truly bleak; luckily, it’s an easy situation to avoid. From the get-go, you should prioritize finding the right place to stay. Check ratings and reviews, as well as the proximity of your accommodations to work events so you don’t spend a fortune on transit or taxis.

One of the best options for business travelers is corporate housing. AvenueWest has provided fully furnished accommodations for corporate clients for over two decades, offering hundreds of short-term rentals that feel like home but have all of the conveniences of a hotel. Our Signature Experience means you’ll have access to our standard amenities, including high-speed internet, fully equipped kitchens, and linen and towel service.

Want to take a look at our accommodations in your next location? Check out our current listings



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Other media mentions included in The New York Times, CNBC, USA Today, NBC Today Show,,, CoBiz Magazine, US News & World Report, LA Times, and the Chicago Herald.